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Kyagalanyi Coffee Limited and IFC are equipping farmers with financial skills to build resilient businesses and communities.
Impact Stories
The right tool for the job
PeruSimple structures solve a dilemma that often costs farmers money and time
Read storyChanging landscapes in Vietnam
VietnamA new project aims to promote sustainable farming and demonstrate that farmers can positively change the coffee-growing landscape.
Read storyReforestation project in Honduras
HondurasOne million trees are to be planted within five years, in an effort to promote agroforestry, mitigate the effects of climate change, and improve coffee farmer resilience.
Read storyA shared vision in Tanzania
TanzaniaA programme enables men and women to realise a personal vision for their lives and farms.
Read storyColombian coffee farmers recovering from conflict
ColombiaIn a region emerging from conflict, coffee is giving people a new start.
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From bees to bio-factories to puma preserves, we explore ways to boost biodiversity while supporting coffee farmers
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Sustainability expert Raphaelle Peinado to join the green coffee merchant as Sustainability Director
Kyagalanyi-supported construction and contributions bring needed improvements to coffee communities.
Through clever schools, the partnership promotes children's education in coffee communities
The facility, with up to $30 million each from Absa and IFC, will allow Volcafe to provide more than 75,000 farmers with market access
Through the expansion of its sourcing network, Volcafe doubles the volume of coffee produced responsibly.
Green coffee merchant joins leading initiative from ILO to work toward the eradication of child labour.
The modern facility offers farmers a new outlet and will help improve coffee quality.
Natural corridors emerge as farmers mix coffee with native trees at their farms
Taylor Winch renews its partnership with Ngiri-Giri to pack its specialty coffee in kanga bags
Coffee sales support Jifundishe, a Tanzanian NGO that promotes community development through education.
Green coffee merchant better leverages the experience and expertise of its Senior Leadership Team to support growth
Initiative provides chance to see another country's coffee culture up close
Our Ugandan company was recognised for its outstanding performance.
Farmers and technicians reflect on our Volcafe Way farmer support programme
Our local company is building the coffee community in Australia.
A special recognition for employers that create an outstanding employee experience
Volcafe's Honduran company holds an annual event to honour and encourage coffee farmers.
Record temperatures and a new El Niño event necessitate special attention from coffee farmers.
As we mark Pride Month, a panel discussion is helping our staff to reflect on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Tanzanian cooperatives are installing eco-pulpers with the help of a no-interest loan facility
Volcafe has announced the launch of its enhanced Volcafe Responsible Sourcing programme (Volcafe RS), alongside two Volcafe-managed responsibly sourced coffee designations: Volcafe Verified and Volcafe Excellence.
A project to enable female coffee producers and female entrepreneurs in Guatemala and to work towards gender equity
A new mentoring programme is helping our staff to exchange on experiences and embrace equity in the workplace.
Volcafe has announced the appointment of Tim Scharrer, who will be joining Volcafe as Chief Operating Officer and Regional Director for Europe & East Africa. He will be part of the Senior Leadership Team.
We're turning a waste product into something useful, and promoting circularity in the process.
A mobile clinic brings healthcare to coffee workers who otherwise lack access to care.
Printed calendars offer illustrated guidance on sustainable farming for thousands of coffee growers.
Coffee trader Volcafe has joined the Cool Farm Alliance as part of the Swiss company’s efforts to assess and reduce the environmental footprint of farms in its value chains across 15 origin countries.
Coffee trader Volcafe and CATIE (the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) have extended their partnership promoting sustainable practices in coffee production.
Swiss coffee trader Volcafe is making preparations for a carbon-neutral future and beyond. As part of their response to the climate crisis, Volcafe partnered with Sofies Group – now a part of dss+ – to assess and address Volcafe's carbon footprint.
A shift in business strategy means more direct relations with farmers and new possibilities.
A partnership is distributing tens of thousands of native tree saplings to coffee farmers, aiding efforts to restore forests.
Coffee house Volcafe today launched a new Sustainability Strategy, an ambitious, overarching plan to achieve its vision for a thriving, sustainable coffee business for all.
A new school brings safer surroundings and the chance to graduate with a special dual degree.
A Guatemalan project is working to close a gender gap in coffee.
The partners have built educational facilities for 3,600 young students.
Volcafe has announced an exciting development with the appointment Liesbeth Kamphuis who will be joining Volcafe as Sustainability Director.
Greenhouse-like structures help indigenous communities to raise coffee quality.
At a conference in the Netherlands, Volcafe's Emmanuel Bukomeko presented on efforts to end child labour in Uganda.
Judges praised the coffee's 'aromatic harmony and soft taste' among other qualities.
Located in the Cajamarca coffee region, the 10,000m² mill has capacity to produce 1,500 bags every 24 hours.