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How to get in touch with Volcafe

With offices in many origins and destinations, a coffee conversation is near you. Here's how to get in touch with Volcafe.

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Our network of offices in origin and destination countries spans the globe. We are proud to be physically present in many countries, whether at source or near to our valued clients. 

In many cases, the best way to reach us is to contact our office near you. You can find local contact information for all our offices in Our Coffee Network.

The postal address of our global headquarters is:


Volcafe Ltd.
Technoparkstrasse 7,
8406 Winterthur, Switzerland

Click on the icons in the map below to reach our operations near you.


General queries

For general queries, you may also use the contact form below. We will forward the message to the most appropriate Volcafe staff members who can respond.

Please note that in line with our Privacy Policy, we will not share your email or personal information with other parties. We do need your email address in order to be able to respond to your message.


Speak Up: Raising a concern with Volcafe

In line with the policies of our parent company, ED&F Man Commodities, Volcafe seeks to uphold high standards of business conduct. We recognise that at times community members and other stakeholders may need to report concerns about Volcafe companies or employees. 

ED&F Man's Whistleblowing Policy allows individuals to share a concern via a dedicated reporting mechanism called Speak Uphttps://edfman.speakup.report/en-GB/edfman/home

Volcafe employees can also raise concerns through internal channels, such as their line managers or HR contacts, when appropriate. 

Whenever possible, we recommend to raise your concern with your local Volcafe office using their complaint mechanism. They will be best placed to understand the context of your report, investigate the matter, and implement any measures to address the concern. You can find the appropriate contact details of our offices in your Producer or Business Partner agreement or find the general contact details at www.volcafe.com/network

If you feel that raising the concern with your local office contact is not possible (e.g., if the concern relates to an employee you believe will be involved in receiving your report), you may opt to raise a concern with the HR department of our local office instead, or with our global complaints mechanism (Whistleblowing Policy) via the Speak Up tool: https://edfman.speakup.report/en-GB/edfman/home

To ensure that we can understand and follow up on your concern, we recommend to include as many of the following details as you are comfortable to share:

  • A description of the concern, including information about the effect the conduct has had on you
  • Place(s) and date/timeline of the concern
  • Name(s) or description(s) of the person(s) involved in the concerning conduct
  • Any suggestions you have for resolving the concern
  • Your name and a way to contact you (address, telephone number, email, etc).

While we welcome anonymous reports, our ability to report back about our response to such concerns is limited. You may consider creating a unique email address (with no identifying characteristics) to raise a concern, so that there is a way to stay in touch.

We strongly discourage the filing of malicious or false complaints.

Press and media contact

For press inquiries, please contact: Marie Renou-Ullrich, Head of Marketing and Communications, email hidden; JavaScript is required

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