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Volcafe Ltd

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Volcafe Ltd

Volcafe Ltd. is our Swiss office and global headquarters.

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Our multicultural team is based in the heart of beautiful Winterthur, Switzerland. We buy and sell green coffee from all origins and serve clients around the world.

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Founded 1851

And part of Volcafe's 170+ year history.

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Volcafe has a long history in Switzerland, dating back to the founding of the Volkart Brothers company in 1851. These days, our Winterthur office hosts members of our senior leadership team, our Swiss trading desk, logistics specialists, quality experts, and members of our global HR and finance teams.

The Swiss trading desk handles inquiries from all regions of the world, often those where we do not have a local office. Through daily cuppings, the team, including a certified Q Grader, tastes the latest offerings and checks the quality of samples arriving from origins all around the world.

With access to coffees from Volcafe’s 15 origin operations and beyond, our team works to serve our client’s expectations and needs. We emphasise quality assurance and seamless logistics to maintain consistency, excellence, and timely deliveries. Our risk management expertise and focus on partnership ensure stability for our customers, even when the market fluctuates. Our efforts support Volcafe’s vision to create a thriving, sustainable coffee business for all.

At Volcafe, we work to make coffee business better, together. Whether you’re seeking a responsibly sourced single origin, a commercial grade to complete that perfect blend, or a partner to create impact for coffee communities, we’re ready to discuss your needs.

  • We source, import, and sell coffee
  • We run a coffee quality lab
  • We handle transport logistics