Volcafe provides guidance and support to tens of thousands of coffee farmers through our Volcafe Way programme.
Coffee trader Volcafe has joined the Cool Farm Alliance as part of the Swiss company’s efforts to assess and reduce the environmental footprint of farms in its value chains across 15 origin countries.
A programme enables men and women to realise a personal vision for their lives and farms.
Coffee house Volcafe today launched a new Sustainability Strategy, an ambitious, overarching plan to achieve its vision for a thriving, sustainable coffee business for all.
Tanzanian cooperatives are installing eco-pulpers with the help of a no-interest loan facility
A special recognition for employers that create an outstanding employee experience
Farmers and technicians reflect on our Volcafe Way farmer support programme
Coffee sales support Jifundishe, a Tanzanian NGO that promotes community development through education.
From bees to bio-factories to puma preserves, we explore ways to boost biodiversity while supporting coffee farmers
Taylor Winch (Tanzania) Ltd is Volcafe's local company in Tanzania.